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My Eye Health™

My Eye Health

The eyes are one of our most vital sensory organs. Without it, executing even the simplest of tasks can prove to be difficult. Despite its significance and importance, like any other organ in our body, it will age and lose its effectiveness if not cared for properly.

We believe that it is critically important to monitor and manage your eye health to ensure its future longevity.

In My Eye Health™, our goal is to ensure that we keep your eyes working at their best at all times. Our optometrist, amongst other things, will assess for the following:

  • assess the front of your eyes for any indication of dry eyes or UV damage;
  • assess the health of the retina, blood vessels, optic nerve and measure eye pressures;
  • Assess for the presence of the following eye conditions:

We take topographical maps of your cornea, digital retinal photos and scans of your retina in documenting your Optical Fingerprint™ with the following latest diagnostic equipment:

  • Optical Coherence Tomographer (OCT)
  • Digital Retinal Photography
  • Optos (Ultra Wide Field Retinal Photography)
  • Corneal Topographer
  • Oculus Keratograph
Slitlamp Exam

Comprehensive Eye Health Check-Up at Insightful Eye Care

If you haven’t visited the eye health clinic in a while, it may be time for you to drop by for a check-up. Insightful Eye Care is here to provide you with a comprehensive eye health check-up to ensure your vision is never compromised. Our highly experienced optometrists provide a personalised service to every client, checking vision, screening for eye diseases, and providing support and guidance about proactive solutions to enhance your eye health. If you want us to examine your eyes, get in touch and make your way down to our opticians for an eye health check-up.


Why Regular Eye Health Checks Are Essential

When we visit an optometrist for routine eye health check-ups, the chances of improved eye health and overall well-being are significantly increased. Many conditions that impair our vision don’t show their symptoms straight away. Our optometrists use state-of-the-art equipment to identify the smallest signs, allowing them to develop a treatment plan in a timely fashion. If you don’t check your eye health regularly, it is likely that these issues go unnoticed, which can cause permanent damage to your sight.

Who Should Get Regular Eye Exams

Going for a regular eye health check-up is not something that should be reserved for a select few. Everyone benefits from having their eyes examined, so if you haven’t, you should book your appointment now.

This being said, there are certain groups that need to have an eye health check-up more than others. Children, Adults over 40, and individuals with specific conditions should take extra care and meet with their optometrist more regularly.


Vision is crucial to a child’s learning and development. However, they are prone to certain conditions like myopia or lazy eyes. It is crucial for children to visit the eye health clinic frequently to ensure these issues are prevented.

Adults Over 40

As we get older, we are far more susceptible to conditions such as presbyopia or cataracts. Regular eye health check-ups become an essential part of life for anyone over the age of 40.

Schedule Your Eye Health Check-Up Today.

If you haven’t been to see an eye health specialist in a while, we are here to help. To get in touch with Insightful Eye Care, you can fill out an online contact form, give us a call or head straight down to our eye health clinic.

Richmond Clinic

Phone: (03) 9428 0402


Online Booking Form Link

Address: Shop 4 161-165 Swan St. Richmond VIC 3121

Dingley Village Clinic

Phone: (03) 9551 4244


Online Booking Form Link

Address: 116 Centre Dandenong Rd, Dingley Village VIC 3172

FAQs About Eye Health Check-Ups

How do I know if I need an eye health check?

Many signs, such as headaches, blurred vision, eyestrain, or difficulty seeing at night, might mean you need to book an appointment. However, we shouldn’t wait until we see visible symptoms. Eye health check-ups should be part of our health routine.

How often should I visit an eye health clinic for a check-up?

It is recommended that adults visit at least every two years, but if you are experiencing any unusual symptoms, it is essential to book your appointment now.

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